No, you have full access to all the features on MyJobMag with any plan you choose. You get maximum visibility, set screening questions, and filter with our dashboard.
No, you do not need to come physically to the office to meet your resume writer. All correspondence can be done online or through your preferred means of communication
If you don’t want your company name to show in the job listing, then you will need to upgrade your job posting from free job listing to paid job listing using this link
No, we do not charge candidates for placement. Candidates only pay when they use our CV, Cover Letter or LinkedIn Writing Service. We, however, charge employers for recruiting for them
Please allow for 6 hours on weekdays for paid jobs and 24 hours for free jobs on weekdays. If after this timeframe your job ads are still not showing, you may contact us to know why.
Creating a job ad on MyJobMag is simple. Kindly follow the steps outlined in this article If you prefer, you can use our chat and let one of our agents walk you through the process.
Yes, we don’t discriminate based on age, race, or gender.
All jobs stay live for three months. You can set an earlier date based on your recruitment plan.