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SPARK Schools is a network of affordable private schools implementing Africa’s first blended learning model for primary school students. Students learn in both the traditional classroom setting and our innovative Learning Lab.
The SPARK Schools model combines highly engaging classroom teaching, individualised instruction in the Learning Lab, partnersh...
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- Plan for, teach and co-teach face-to-face and distance lessons for and deliver academic and club lessons.
- Collaborate with grade level and content area partners to develop rigorous, engaging learning experiences and to create and implement high-quality, individualised behaviour and learning plans for scholars.
- Participate actively in all scheduled professional development sessions.
- Develop and administer formative and termly assessments to track student progress and analyse the data for student growth for all scholars to meet the required proficiency ratings.
- Submit and analyse scholar data to track progress and intervene when necessary.
- Lead scholar social and emotional development through CQ (Character Quotient) sessions and reflections.
- Plan for, deliver and monitor programmes to support low performing scholars, or extend high-performing scholars.
- Participate in place-based education where required within mandated national curriculum or as part of SPARK Schools curriculum enrichment.
- Participate in career and tertiary pathways education where required as part of scholar culture and character development.
- Develop SPARK culture and implement behaviour management strategies.
- Communicate professionally and effectively with colleagues, parents and other stakeholders.
- Conduct self in a professional manner at all SPARK Schools events and to all stakeholders.
- Nurture a high achieving work environment where all scholars feel genuinely valued and supported.
- Promote the vision and mission of SPARK Schools to staff, scholars, families, and the greater community.
- Implement strategies implemented by the Crisis Management team. Adhere to the child protection, anti-bullying and health and safety policy.
- Attend Saturday events and parent community meetings.
- Submit student results data when required.
Qualifications and Criteria:
The ideal candidate will possess the following qualifications and requirements:
- English language fluency - Required
- isiXhosa language fluency - Required
- Completed B.Ed or PGCE degree in First/Second Additional Language Senior and FET Isixhosa
- Minimum 3-5 years teaching experience including Grade 11 and Grade 12 experience preferred
- SACE registration
- Clear/Clean criminal record
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- Create a positive student culture around online learning and independent work time and maintain high behavioural expectations for all students.
- Actively “coach” students on all computer programs and ensure that the educational software used in the lab effectively meets the needs of students.
- Create and submit lesson plans for project-based learning, in collaboration with intermediate phase teachers
- Communicate and collaborate with teachers and school administrators to create individualized learning plans for students.
- Use SPARK culture and behaviour management strategies.
- Incorporate SPARK SEL (Social Emotional Learning) curriculum with scholars.
- Ensure all educational resources and assets are used responsibly and effectively.
- Report all damages to hardware to the School Operations Manager and fill out relevant incident reports if needed.
- Optimize timetables to ensure learning time is managed well.
- Participate actively in staff development opportunities as a member of the SPARK Schools team.
- Conduct self in a professional manner at all SPARK Schools events and to all stakeholders.
The ideal candidate will possess the following qualifications:
- English language fluency.
- Police clearance certificate.
- Grade 12 Certificate.
- Sace Registered
- Studying part-time towards a B.Ed. or PGCE in the Intermediate or Senior Phase (3rd or 4th Year), with a view to becoming a qualified teacher.
- Previous experience managing or working with primary school-aged children.
- Basic computer skills and willingness to learn new technology.
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- Plan for, teach and co-teach face-to-face lessons and deliver academic and clubs lessons.
- Collaborate with grade level and content area partners to develop rigorous, engaging learning experiences and to create and implement high-quality individualised behaviour and learning plans for scholars.
- Participate actively in all scheduled professional development sessions.
- Develop and administer formative and termly assessments to track student progress and analyse the data for student growth for all scholars to meet the required proficiency ratings.
- Submit and analyse scholarly data to track progress and intervene when necessary.
- Lead scholar social and emotional development through CQ (Character Quotient) sessions and reflections.
- Report all damages to hardware to the School Operations Manager and fill out relevant incident reports if needed.
- Pilot innovative ideas, technology and curriculum for the SPARK High school model. Collect data and analyse outcomes of pilot products. Liaise continuously with the High school model team to relay data and feedback.
- Use SPARK culture and behaviour management strategies and engage with scholars to develop character and maximise scholar experience.
- Hold individualised intervention sessions for scholars who need extra support in subjects
- Participate actively in all scheduled professional development sessions.
- Develop and administer formative and termly assessments to track student progress and analyse the data for student growth for all scholars to meet the required proficiency ratings in the online space.
- Submit and analyse scholarly data to track progress and intervene when necessary.
- Develop SPARK culture and implement behaviour management strategies.
- Communicate professionally and effectively with colleagues, parents and other stakeholders.
- Conduct self in a professional manner at all SPARK Schools events and to all stakeholders.
- Nurture a high achieving work environment where all scholars feel genuinely valued and supported.
- Promote the vision and mission of SPARK Schools to staff, scholars, families, and the greater community.
- Implement strategies implemented by the Crisis Management team. Adhere to the child protection, anti-bullying and health and safety policy.
- Attend Saturday events and parent community meetings.
- Submit student results data when required.
Qualifications and Criteria:
The ideal candidate will possess the following qualifications:
- English language fluency
- Completed B.Ed. or PGCE degree in Mathematics SP/FET
- SACE registration
- Clear criminal record
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- Plan for and be prepared to deliver lessons to students from 7:45-3:30 pm (depending on grade level assignment and timetable) daily within content area specialisation.
- Collaborate with grade level and content area partners to develop rigorous, engaging learning experiences and to create individualised behaviour and learning plans for all students.
- Attend pre-service professional development before the school year begins and attend weekly professional development every Monday afternoon.
- Administer weekly and termly assessments to track student progress and analyse the data for student growth.
- SPARK Educators should have a core focus on student achievement and should drive all scholars to meet the required proficiency ratings.
- Lead weekly SEL (Social Emotional Learning) circles and implement SPARK Schools Social Emotional Learning curriculum.
- Use SPARK culture and implement behaviour management strategies.
- Communicate professionally and effectively with colleagues, parents and other stakeholders.
- Participate actively in staff development opportunities as a member of the SPARK Schools team.
- Attend Saturday events and parent community meetings.
- Conduct self in a professional manner at all SPARK Schools events and to all stakeholders.
- Nurture a high achieving work environment where all students feel genuinely valued and supported.
- Promote the vision and mission of SPARK Schools to staff, scholars, families, and the greater community.
- Implement strategies implemented by the Crisis Management team.
- Adhere to the child protection, anti-bullying and health and safety policy.
- Submit student results data when required.
Qualifications and Criteria:
The ideal candidate will possess the following qualifications:
- B.Ed. degree or PGCE (Intermediate Phase or Intermediate/Senior Phase). Mathematics focus and competency. Recently qualified teachers are encouraged to apply!
- Certification through the South African Council of Educators (SACE).
- SAQA accreditation for non-South African equivalent qualifications
- English language fluency.
- A clear/clean criminal record
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Scholar Support and Supervision
- Supervise scholars during lunch, breaks, and bathroom visits to ensure their health and safety.
- Monitor scholar behaviour and reinforce SPARK culture and behaviour management strategies.
- Assist with lunch supervision
- Conduct school patrols to maintain a safe and respectful school environment.
Innovation Hub Support
- Assist in the operation of the Innovation Hub, supporting scholars as they work on tech-based projects and activities.
- Help with the preparation of materials and technology tools for scholar use.
- Provide tutoring support in areas where scholars need additional help, particularly in using technology.
Academic Assistance
- Assist with marking and grading of assessments, quizzes, and homework.
- Support subject teachers by helping scholars review and clarify concepts taught in class.
- Offer one-on-one or small group tutoring sessions in collaboration with subject teachers to address scholar needs.
Extracurricular Support
- Plan and supervise after-school enrichment programs, including structured team activities and clubs.
- Facilitate engaging activities that promote academic, emotional, and social development.
- Assist with the management of clubs, ensuring adherence to SPARK behaviour standards.
- Tutor scholars in subjects that are at high risk
Other Duties
- Communicate professionally with parents and staff regarding incidents, concerns, or updates related to scholar progress or behavior.
- Assist with other administrative tasks as required by the school’s needs
- Customer orientation
- Analysis/problem solving
- Quick thinking/learning
- Team work
- Communication
The ideal candidate will possess the following qualifications and criteria:
- Grade 12 Certificate
- 1-2 years study towards an education degree, specialising in languages is advantageous
- Prior working experience with High School age scholars preferred
- Clear/clean criminal record
- Provisional SACE is advantageous but not required
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- Supervise lunch and break during the instructional day.
- Ensure SPARK’s healthy food scheme is enforced with scholars by checking lunches.
- Use SPARK culture and behaviour management strategies.
- Supervise a class of students during aftercare, including homework completion if needed, play, and structured activities.
- Plan engaging enrichment experiences for students for the lengthened aftercare on Monday afternoons.
- Ensure all aftercare resources are used responsibly and effectively.
- Communicate professionally with parents and line managers about incidents, conflicts, or concerns that occur during aftercare.
- Communicate and collaborate with school leaders and staff as required.Ensure safety of all scholars during aftercare, including following network-wide procedures to scholar dismissal and late pick-up.
- Assist with ad hoc tasks, such as facilitating in the Learning Lab, covering for absent staff or setting up for events.
- Participate actively in staff development opportunities as a member of the SPARK Schools team.
- Conduct self in a professional manner at all SPARK Schools events and to all stakeholders.
Qualifications and Criteria:
The ideal candidate will possess the following qualifications/criteria:
- English language fluency.
- Previous experience managing or working with primary school-aged children
- Clear criminal record
- Grade 12 certificate
- Studying towards a First Year B.Ed Degree Preferred
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- Create a positive student culture around physical education and maintain high behavioural expectations for all students.
- Use SPARK culture and behaviour management practices. Implement SPARK SEL (Social Emotional Learning) Curriculum.
- Supervise scholars during morning arrivals
- Set up for SPARKs Fly.
- Actively coach students in the development of gross motor skills, team habits, and specific sports skills.
- Teach students about healthy eating, exercise, and hygiene habits, including positive choices they should make at home and at school.
- Create lesson plans aligned to network-wide PE curriculum and personalised for students.
- Plan strategies to stretch content and scholar outcomes during the course of the academic year.
- Take responsibility for PE equipment and report any damage..
- Communicate professionally with school staff and parents regarding students.
- Participate actively in staff development opportunities as a member of the SPARK Schools team.
- Conduct self in a professional manner at all SPARK Schools events and to all stakeholders.
The ideal candidate will possess the following qualifications:
- Previous experience managing or working with primary school-aged children
- Physical Education experience or training
- Studying a degree in Human Movement/ Sport Science
Preferred Qualifications
- English language fluency.
- Police clearance certificate
- Grade 12 Certificate
- SACE registration
- Preferably studying a degree in Human Movement/ Sport Science or studying part-time towards a degree in Human Movement/ Sport Science (3rd or 4th academic Year)
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- Create a positive student culture around online learning and independent work time and maintain high behavioural expectations for all students.
- Actively “coach” students on all computer programs and ensure that the educational software used in the lab effectively meets the needs of students.
- Create and submit lesson plans for project-based learning, in collaboration with intermediate phase teachers
- Communicate and collaborate with teachers and school administrators to create individualized learning plans for students.
- Use SPARK culture and behaviour management strategies.
- Incorporate SPARK SEL (Social Emotional Learning) curriculum with scholars.
- Ensure all educational resources and assets are used responsibly and effectively.
- Report all damages to hardware to the School Operations Manager and fill out relevant incident reports if needed.
- Optimize timetables to ensure learning time is managed well.
- Participate actively in staff development opportunities as a member of the SPARK Schools team.
- Conduct self in a professional manner at all SPARK Schools events and to all stakeholders.
The ideal candidate will possess the following qualifications:
- English language fluency.
- Police clearance certificate.
- Grade 12 Certificate.
- Studying part-time towards a B.Ed. or PGCE in the Intermediate or Senior Phase (3rd or 4th Year), with a view to becoming a qualified teacher.
- Previous experience managing or working with primary school-aged children.
- Basic computer skills and willingness to learn new technology.
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- Plan for and be prepared to deliver lessons to students
- Provide instruction in a variety of subjects and reach students with engaging lesson plans and resources.
- Collaborate with grade level and content area partners to develop rigorous, engaging learning experiences and to create individualised behaviour and learning plans for all students in class face to face or online.
- Lead weekly SEL (Social Emotional Learning) circles and implement SPARK Schools Social Emotional Learning curriculum.
- Use SPARK culture and implement behaviour management strategies.
- Administer weekly and termly assessments to track student progress and analyse the data for student growth.
- SPARK Educators should have a core focus on student achievement and should drive all scholars to meet the required proficiency ratings.
- Submit student results data when required.
- Attend pre-service professional development before the school year begins and attend weekly professional development and any other training interventions.
- Communicate professionally and effectively with colleagues, parents and other stakeholders.
- Conduct self in a professional manner at all SPARK Schools events and to all stakeholders.
- Nurture a high achieving work environment where all students feel genuinely valued and supported.
- Attend Saturday events and parent community meetings.
- Implement strategies implemented by the Crisis Management team.
- Adhere to the child protection, anti-bullying and health and safety policy.
- Promote the vision and mission of SPARK Schools to staff, scholars, families, and the greater community.
Qualifications and Criteria:
The ideal candidate will possess the following qualifications:
- B.Ed. degree or PGCE. Foundation Phase. Recently qualified teachers are encouraged to apply!
- Certification through the South African Council of Educators (SACE).
- SAQA accreditation for non-South African equivalent qualifications
- English language fluency.
- A clear criminal record
- Recently qualified teachers or teachers with experience are encouraged to apply!
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- Create a positive student culture around online learning and small group tutoring and maintain high behavioural expectations for all students.
- Actively “coach” students on all computer programs and ensure that the educational software used in the lab effectively meets the needs of students.
- Create and submit lesson plans for tutoring sessions.
- Tutor small groups of students on literacy and maths skills.
- Create and submit bi-weekly reports on ST Maths.
- Communicate and collaborate with teachers and school administrators to create individualized learning plans for students.
- Use SPARK culture and behaviour management strategies.
- Incorporate SPARK SEL (SocialEmotional Learning) curriculum with scholars.
- Ensure all Learning Lab resources are used and stored responsibly and .
- Report all damages to hardware to the School Operations Manager and fill out relevant incident reports if needed.
- Have an updated asset list of all hardware in Learning lab received by the School Operations Manager.
- Participate actively in staff development opportunities as a member of the SPARK Schools team.
- Set into a classroom to cover, should there be an operational need.
- Conduct self in a professional manner at all SPARK Schools events and to all stakeholders.
The ideal candidate will possess the following qualifications:
- English language fluency.
- Clear criminal record.
- Grade 12 Certificate.
- Studying part-time towards a B.Ed. or PGCE in the Foundation Phase, in their 3rd or 4th year with a view to becoming a qualified teacher.
- Provisional SACE
- Previous experience managing or working with primary school-aged children.
- Basic computer skills and willingness to learn new technology.
Method of Application
Use the link(s) below to apply on company website.
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