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  • Posted: Jan 20, 2025
    Deadline: Not specified
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    The Government Communication and Information System (GCIS): provides professional services sets and influences adherence to standards for an effective government communication system drives coherent government messaging proactively communicates with the public about government policies, plans programmes and achievements. Vision To be the pulse of communicat...
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    Chief Director: Provincial and Local Liaison


    • An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree (NQF level 7 as recognised by SAQA) in Communication/ Development Communication/ Media Studies/ Public Relations or NQF Level 7 in Public Administration / Public Management/ Social/ Behavioural Sciences or related and equivalent qualification only if the candidate possesses a Diploma NQF Level 6 in Communication/ Public Relations / Journalism / Public Relations / Media Studies.
    • Applicants must have a minimum of 5 years’ experience at Senior Management Service level and experience dealing with government policy, intergovernmental relations and coordination, stakeholder and relationship management and development communication.
    • Broad understanding of the communications and developmental issues of all nine (9) provinces and the ability to apply government’s audience segmentation model in this context. Excellent writing, presentation, coordination and facilitation skills with extensive report writing experience.
    • Strong Financial and Human Resource Management skills. In-depth knowledge of policy formulation, implementation and monitoring. Process Competencies: Knowledge Management, Service Delivery Innovation, Problem Solving and Analysis, Client Orientation and Customer Focus, Communication.


    • Strategic leadership and capability; Financial management; Risk management; Corporate governance; Extensive knowledge of the Government Communication Policy; the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa of 1996; the Public Service Act of 1994 and Regulations; Public Administration Management Act of 2014; the Public Finance Management Act of 1999; and other relevant prescripts applicable in the communication sector, in the Public Service and for the entities reporting to the GCIS. Must have a valid driver’s license.


    • Reporting to the Deputy Director-General: Intergovernmental Coordination and Stakeholder Management, the Chief Director will be responsible to cascade the National Communication Strategic Framework (NCSF) and national content and messages to provincial and local government.
    • Oversee the Intergovernmental Communication Forum (IGCF) including support to the effective functioning of the government communication system across all three spheres including the monitoring and functioning of the intergovernmental communication system.
    • Oversee the implementation of development communication campaigns aligned to the National Communications Strategic Framework (NCSF) and the annual Integrated Government Communication Programme (GCP) using various platforms aligned to the Government Segmentation Model (GSM) and scale up use of community media in local campaigns.
    • This will be done through effective leadership of the provincial and district offices of the GCIS, but also through the oversite and management of the relationships between the GCIS in provinces and their key stakeholder, the communication units in the Offices of Provincial Premiers.
    • Oversee and manage the development of integrated provincial communication plans at both provincial and local government levels to ensure scaled up government communication by all three spheres of government.
    • Develop plans and tactics for the distribution of government information and communication through provincial and district officials with specific attention paid to harnessing the opportunities offered by digital platforms.
    • Oversee and coordinate the GCIS support to the government’s Public Participation programme and the partnership with the Presidency and the Department of Cooperative Government and Traditional Affairs (COGTA) in providing strategic leadership to the Presidential District Development Model (DDM) Imbizo programme.
    • Oversee a well-functioning liaison service for national government in provinces through the community and stakeholder liaison visits of the Regional Communication Coordinators (RCCs) at district level.
    • Develop and entrench strong partnerships with key stakeholders at provincial and local level but also those operating in the intergovernmental communication space, including SALGA. Identify and review strategic risks, oversee and manage the implementation mitigation plans.  
    • Participate in the audit planning process and manage responses to audit queries. Ensure implementation of audit recommendations as outlined in the intervention/action plans.

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    Chief Director: Research, Analysis and Knowledge Services


    • An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree (NQF level 7 as recognised by SAQA) in Communication Sciences/ Journalism/ Media Studies/ Public Relations or An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree (NQF level 7 as recognised by SAQA) in Communication Sciences/ Journalism/ Media Studies/ Public Relations plus a Certificate in research sciences OR An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree (NQF level 8 as recognised by SAQA in as Social Sciences/ Behavioural Sciences/ Political Sciences or related and equivalent qualification plus a Certificate in communication/ Journalism/ Public Relations/ Media Studies.
    • Applicants must have a minimum of 5 years’ experience at Senior Management Service level experience in the integrated and optimal use of research on trends in media and perceptions for Cabinet, departments and clusters. Strong Financial and Human Resource Management skills. In-depth knowledge of policy formulation, implementation and monitoring. Extensive experience in research, monitoring and evaluation in communication sector will be an added advantage.
    • Process Competencies: Knowledge Management, Service Delivery Innovation, Problem Solving and Analysis, Client Orientation and Customer Focus, Communication.


    • Strategic leadership and capability; Financial management; Risk management; Corporate governance; Extensive knowledge of the Government Communication Policy; the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa of 1996; the Public Service Act of 1994 and Regulations; Public Administration Management Act of 2014; the Public Finance Management Act of 1999; and other relevant prescripts applicable in the communication sector, in the Public Service and for the entities reporting to the GCIS. Must have a valid driver’s license.


    • Reporting to the Deputy Director-General: Content Processing and Dissemination the Chief Director will be responsible for Conducting research through independent service providers to assess how government should address the public’s information needs.
    • Provide research input to the government communication strategy. Leading the integration of research and trends in media and opinion.
    • Promoting improvements in government communication through the effective use of research. Enhancing reports from Government Communication Monitoring and Evaluation to establish routine and achieve buy-in from GCIS and external clients.
    • Monitoring media coverage of issues affecting government and the country. Monitor and evaluate communication in government and assesses public perceptions in relation to government performance. Manage key messages, current affairs and communication strategies.
    • Provide an analysis on how the media interprets government policies and programmes. Restructure the Information Centre for more effective knowledge management. Guide content and approve key messages, current affairs and communication content. Edit and approve draft current affairs.
    • Manage the change towards integration and restructuring within the Chief Directorate to produce better quality work on time and relevant to the client. Inform decision making and proactive communication through regular, integrated and optimal use of research on trends in media and perceptions for Cabinet, departments, clusters, Manco and internal clients.

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    Provincial Director: Mpumalanga Provincial Office


    • An appropriate Bachelor’s Degree (NQF level 7 as recognised by SAQA) in Communication/ Media Studies- Majoring in Communication/ Journalism Majoring in Communication/ Public Relations- Majoring in Communication/ or NQF Level 7 in Public Administration / Public Management/ Social/ Behavioural Sciences or related and equivalent qualification with a Diploma NQF Level 6 in Communication/ Public Relations- Majoring in Communication / Journalism- Majoring in Communication / Public Relations- Majoring in Communication / Media Studies- Majoring in Communication. Successful completion of the Public Service Senior Management Leadership Programme (Nyukela certificate) as endorsed by the National School of Government is a pre-requisite for appointment.
    • Must have a valid driver’s license and be computer literate. Five (5) years’ experience at middle/senior management level with extensive experience in and knowledge of development communication, proven leadership capabilities, and sound interpersonal and project management skills. Extensive experience in coordinating multi-stakeholders and inter-governmental multi-media communication campaigns.
    • Knowledge: Comprehensive knowledge of the Mpumalanga Province, including socio-economic and development dynamics as well of the communication footprint and dynamics of the province, including also at municipal level. Sound knowledge of the Public Finance Management Act. Must have a valid driver’s license and be computer literate.
    • Required Core Competencies: Strategic Capacity and Leadership, People Management and Empowerment, Financial Management, Change Management, Programme and project Management.


    • The successful candidate will be responsible to provide strategic leadership and management to the GCIS Provincial Directorate in the Mpumalanga Province particularly in support of the provincial communication system headed by the Office of the Premier. Deliver communication campaigns in line with the National Communication Strategic Framework and the Medium-Term Development Plan (MTDP), and the Provincial MTDP and communication programme.
    • Advocate for the application of the Norms and Standards of Government Communications amongst the communication system in the province and lend support to the Local Government Communication System. Develop and maintain communication partnerships and networks with provincial stakeholders from Government and Civil Society.
    • Participate actively in all communications forums in the province and provide strategic direction on government communication in such forums and also when urgent or rapid communication is concerned, to protect and enhance the reputation of government.
    • Operate an effective, and compliant government communication organisation. Identify and review strategic risks, oversee and manage the implementation mitigation plans. Participate in the audit planning process and manage responses to audit queries.

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    Regional Communication Coordinator: King Cetshwayo District Municipality


    • Applicants should be in possession Grade 12 and an appropriate three year National Diploma (NQF Level 6) or Bachelor’s Degree (NQF Level 7) in Communication or equivalent related qualification as recognised by SAQA.
    • The candidate must at least three (3) years relevant experience, of which one (1) year should be at salary level seven (7) or eight (8) in the communications environment with knowledge of communication disciplines, including media liaison, stakeholder relations, research and development communication.
    • The candidate must have an understanding of development communication practice, and knowledge of the Kwa-Zulu Natal Province with specific insights to the King Cetshwayo District and its local municipalities.
    • Be innovative, digital literate and abreast with digital communication methods and applications. A self-motivated and enthusiastic person able to work with limited levels of supervision.
    • Strong verbal and effective writing and communication skills. Furthermore, applicant should be in possession of a valid Code 08 driver’s licence as the work involves extensive travelling.
    • Basic knowledge of administration and finances is required. Ability to work under pressure.


    • The successful candidate will support the Deputy Director: Liaison in the implementation of a government communication programme (GCP) in King Cetshwayo District as follows: Disseminate government information and implement key communication projects in line with government priorities and in accordance with the guidelines for development communication practice and platforms as developed by GCIS.
    • Supervise and monitor the work of district based Senior Communication Officers (if any) as well as any communication interns or learners assigned to the region, including their administrative and operational functions, and report these to the Deputy Director: Provincial Liaison. Leadership in government communication system coordination in King Cetshwayo District.
    • Ensure the establishment and where necessary review and strengthening of communication coordination structures in the district to ensure the effective cascading of government communication content especially to leaders and structures of local government across the district.
    • Ensure adherence to government communication system norms and standards in the district in line with the government communication policy. Support all initiatives aimed at strengthening Local Government Communication System through advocacy in strategic IGR structures at District and local level.
    • Further, provide communication support to various integrated service delivery models of government, including the District Development Model (DDM) and the Thusong Service Centre programme.
    • Embrace new media and utilise digital tools as part of cascading government content. Responsible for the development and maintenance of high-level stakeholder relations in the region with biasness towards civil society, community media, minority groups, local government and traditional leaders.
    • Coordination and implementation of rapid response requirements in the district as well as writing service delivery articles on governments’ delivery on its mandate. Responsible for the revision and development of a localised distribution strategy for government information products at district level.
    • Additionally, on a regular basis, be required to develop local communication environment assessments reports on key issues emanating from the district for the use by various stakeholders and clients.
    • Support government public participation initiatives including feedback and follow up on the required communication interventions as recommended. Please detail courses passed in the CV as per the academic transcript.

    Method of Application


    • The DG of Government Communication and Information System, Private Bag X745, Pretoria 0001, hand deliver to Tshedimosetso House, 1035 cnr Francis Baard & Festival streets, Hatfield, Pretoria, or or emailed to [email protected]
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