What is the latest hiring statistics in South Africa?
As a working professional whether you are an employer, job seeker or recruiter it is important that you familiarize with the statistics report of your sector.
It is important because it will help you know how many people are in the labour market, which jobs are available, which company is hiring more, which cities have the best and most jobs, what candidates want and most sought after skills.
To get you started on that process and ultimately answer your questions, these are the latest employment, unemployment, job search, and recruitment statistics in South Africa:
PS: Check out a list of available jobs in cape town 2021
9.1M people are currently employed in SA (Source)
19,000 jobs were created in community service sector, mining and quarrying 6,000 jobs, manufacturing 5,000, business services 8,000 (Source)
There was job decline in trade -8,000, transport industry -3,000, electricity industry -1,000 and construction industry -1000 (Source)
Between March 2018 and March 2019, the total employment rate increased by 0.8% or 76,000 (Source)
Between March 2018 and March 2019, full time employment rose by 13,000 (Source)
Unemployment rate descreased from 9.9m in December 2018 to 9.1m in March 2019 (Source).
From March 2018 to March 2019, there was a decrease of 54,000 in part time jobs (Source)
Part time employment decreased by 12,000 from 1,053000 in December 2018 to 1,041000 in December 2019 (Source)
Total salary paid to employees was R688 billion in March 2019 which is a decrease from the R728 billion paid in December 2018 (Source)
Gross earnings increased by R25billion (Source)
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The total unemployment rate at SA is 29.0% (Source)
The unemployment rate increased by 0.5% , it was 27.6% in the 4th quarter of 2018 (Source)
SA’s unemployment is caused by the decline of 237,000 people in employment and an increase of 62,000 people who were unemployed from the 4th quarter of 2018 to 1st quarter of 2018 (Source)
The working age population increased by 149,000 in the first quarter of 2019, compared to the fourth quarter of 2018 (Source)
The labour force decreased by 176,000 (Source)
Discouraged workers increased by 156,000 (Source)
The other not-economically-active population increased by 169,000 resulting in an increase of 325,000 in the number of the not-economically active (Source)
A decline in unemployment was experienced by the informal, formal, agriculture and private households sector in the first quarter of 2019 as compared to the fourth quarter of 2018 (Source)
The percentage of people aged 15-24 who were unemployed, not in education or training, increased by 2.1 to 33.2% that is 3.4 million (Source)
Of the 20.3 million of people aged 15-34, 40.7% were not in employment, education or training. This is an increase of 1.8% compared to the fourth quarter of 2018 (Source)
Transport, Trade, Utilities And Manufacturing created more jobs for the first quarter of this year 59,000, 25,000, 16,000 and 14,000 jobs respectively (Source)
The Western Cape has the best bet on jobs with 53.9% of its working population formally employed (Source).
The Western Cape is the biggest job creator in the country, adding 155,000 jobs between 2016 and 2017 (Source).
The Eastern Cape is the second biggest job creator in SA creating 135,000 jobs also between 2016 and 2017 (Source).
Western Cape and Gauteng are the only two cities in South Africa where over half of their working population is formally employed (Source)
In the second quarter of 2017 about 53,000 jobs were added in Cape Town (Source)
Despite losing 83,000 jobs Joburg still has the city with the second highest absorption rate at 52.6% of its working age finding employment (Source).
Cape Town has SA’s best salaries at R374,173 per annum (Source)
Cape Town’s Salaries was R14,888 more on average than in Johannesburg (Source)
Most jobs in South Africa were advertised in IT, consultancy, technology, engineering, accounting and finance salaries (Source).
The most in demand jobs in SA right now are Sales Jobs, Admin Clerk, Systems/Network Administration and the location with the most popular place for jobs in Johannesburg
Employee referrals are one of the best means to recruit hires (Source)
Most hiring Manager avoid to hire candidates because of nepotism or inbreeding can cause employee morale problem (Source)
Sometimes, employers pay a percentage of the candidate’s salaries to recruitment agencies(Source)
In SA executive search consultants charge 30-35% of the candidate’s annual salary if the are hiring a senior executive (Source)
Roughly 80% of recruiters and hiring managers use social media to look for and vet job candidates, making it extremely important to have a professional presence on the Internet (Source).
Recruiters want candidates to know that their Linkedin and other social media platforms should match their resume (Source)
Most times recruiters who don’t respond to the candidate or take time to do so thinks that they are not right for the role (Source)
Jobs applied for by outside candidates may be given to an in-house employee (Source)
Recruiters can do their own further research about you after your interview to find out the truths and lies of your application (Source)
Having acquired this information, job search and recruitment should be easier for you, because you know what jobs are more in demand, what job sectors are always hiring,and which cities in South Africa has the most jobs.
Use it to your advantage while searching for a job or looking to recruit suitable candidates.
Goodluck! And don't forget to share this with your friends and colleagues who need it. If you have any questions and inputs, then email [email protected]
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