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  • Posted: Jan 13, 2025
    Deadline: Not specified
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    The National Treasury is responsible for managing South Africa’s national government finances. Supporting efficient and sustainable public financial management is fundamental to the promotion of economic development, good governance, social progress and a rising standard of living for all South Africans. The Constitution of the Republic (Chapter 13) ma...
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    Economist: Multilateral Development Banks

    Qualification/s Requirements

    • A Grade 12 is required coupled with a minimum National Diploma (equivalent to NQF level 6) or Bachelor’s degree (equivalent to NQF level 7) in Economics or Development Studies;
    • A minimum 3 years’ experience obtained within a development institution or financial environment;
    • Knowledge of policy analysis and formulation of drafting notes; and
    • Knowledge of benchmarking and research.?

    Key Performance Areas

    Stakeholder Engagement:

    • Assist with the coordination and assembly of briefing materials containing summary assessments;
    • Assist in the engagement of stakeholders and support the coordination process with policy stakeholders;
    • Assist with information on relationship management and keep track of meetings in the provision of inputs into draft speaking notes.

    Policy Analysis and Development:

    • Assist with the provision of recommendations on policy issues for consideration amongst the Multilateral Development Banks stakeholders;
    • Assist with the identification and analysis of policy objectives in the enhancement of policy deliberations within forums;
    • Assist with the centralisation of a policy platform for analysis and dissemination of data in the global economy.

    Global Development Finance Policy:

    • Assist with the drafting of submissions pertaining to policy pertaining to the Multilateral Development Banks and the financial safety net prescribing the Contingent Reserve Arrangement;
    • Assist with compliance requests from domestic policy makers pertaining to progress on the Multilateral Development Banks policy processes;
    • Assist with information relating to meetings of Statutory Finance Ministers and Central Bank governors on AfDB and World Bank policy issues.

    Benchmarking and Research:

    • Support benchmarking and research initiatives on policy and related issues with recognised international institutions;
    • Assist with the consultation of stakeholders on trends and changes pertaining to the policy environment impact the Multilateral Development Banks;
    • Assist with research to assess opportunities for improved collaboration within the Global Development Finance Banks.?

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    Senior Financial Analyst: Development Finance Institutions (DFIs)

    Qualification/s Requirements

    • A Grade 12 is required coupled with a minimum National Diploma (equivalent to NQF level 6) or Bachelor’s Degree (equivalent to NQF level 7) in any of the following disciplines: Development Finance or Accounting? Business Finance or Economics;
    • A minimum 4 years’ experience of which 2 years should be at an Assistant director level or equivalent obtained in the development of financial institutions;
    • Knowledge and experience of policy and financial analysis; and
    • Knowledge of the Public Service framework on Development Finance Institutions (DFIs).

    Key Performance Areas

    Policy Analysis and Development:

    • Develop and implement finance policy in the development of Development Finance Institutions;
    • Analyse mandates of DFIs and align to Finance Policy for effective service delivery outcomes;
    • Analyse strategic plans and annual reports of DFIs and advice stakeholders on discrepancies.

    Financial Analysis:

    • Analyse and assist in the development of the effectiveness of DFIs;
    • Identify and review material areas of risk for DFIs and government;
    • Analyse DFIs’ annual financial statement for correctness and compile a report on deficiencies.

    Strategic Analysis:

    • Evaluate governance models of DFIs for alignment and standardisation;
    • Provide inputs on policy and legislative amendments for DFIs and monitor the correct implementation, thereof.

    Research and Benchmarking:

    • Conduct research on development finance policy, governance models and legislative amendments;
    • Initiate benchmarking exercises on trends and international best practice with reputable international organisations;
    • Initiate the development and implementation of policy directives and aligned for consideration.

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    Senior Policy Analyst: Interational Development Co-Operation (IDC)

    Qualification/s Requirements

    • A Grade 12 is required coupled with a minimum National Diploma (equivalent to NQF level 6) or a Bachelor’s degree (equivalent to NQF level 7) in the following disciplines: Economic or Sciences or Social Sciences or Development Studies.
    • A minimum of 4 years’ experience is required of which 2 years’ should be at an Assistant Director or equivalent level obtained in programme and portfolio management.
    • Knowledge and experience of public policy development and implementation. 
    • Knowledge and experience of developmental management.?

    Key Performance Areas

    Coordination, ownership and management of ODA: 

    • Ensure the alignment of ODA to South African policies and procedures within the management of ODA commitments to SA (facilitation of programming). 
    • Review and assess trends and best practices pertaining to the economic sector and update current database of all ODA funded programmes within the sector. 
    • Arrange the record keeping of meetings with donor and South African Government representatives involved in donor programmes. 

    Programme Delivery: 

    • Implement ODA management policies, procedures and processes (ODA Management guidelines) within the economic sector. Liaise/ negotiate with stakeholders in Public Finance, cluster/ sector, provincial and local government decision-makers and ODA co-ordinators, and relevant donors regarding the consolidation of ODA programmes. 
    • Facilitate the smooth implementation of donor-supported projects. 

    Compliance with Global ODA Commitments: 

    • Facilitate involvement in global ODA debates and forums within the aid effectiveness arena. 
    • Prepare South African position papers within the aid effectiveness discourse. 

    Strengthen the ODA Knowledge Base: 

    • Implement database to feed into the knowledge management processes. Initiate benchmarking best practices of ODA management within the sector. 

    Alignment of ODA to Budget: 

    • Invite stakeholder participation and guidance, from certain knowledgeable areas in the National Treasury to improve programming and alignment of ODA to budget. 
    • Provide a share point of information within the economic sector on the overall budget process.

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    Director: MFMA Capacity Building and Training

    Qualification/s Requirements

    • A Grade 12 is required coupled with a minimum Bachelor’s degree (equivalent NQF level 7) in any of the following disciplines: Economics or Accounting or Finance or Public administration;
    • A minimum 5 years’ experience at a middle / senior managerial level obtained in training, management, or research;
    • Experience of the South African public finances and budget allocation system;
    • Knowledge and experience of the municipal capacity building, pertaining to finance and training;
    • Successful completion of the Nyukela Public Service Senior Management Leadership Programme as endorsed by the National School of Government available as an online course on , prior to finalisation of an appointment.?

    Key Performance Areas

    Legislative Alignment:

    • Apply local government legislative framework as determined by the constitution;
    • Initiate the implementation of the legal framework regulating training, skills development, norms, and standards, applicable to the South African Qualification Authority and Higher Education standards;
    • Support and guide the implementation of the MFMA within local government in compliance with its regulations.

    Financial Management:

    • Apply and implement the financial management principles utilised within the public and private sectors;
    • Initiate the support and implementation of capacity building of the MFMA through the Financial Management Grant initiatives;
    • Develop the graduate internship programme on financial management within government, Implement training and skills development programmes within government institutions.

    Monitoring and Compliance:

    • Implement and maintain a database of training providers and learners of financial management training programmes;
    • Articulate findings of research undertaken and progress within municipalities because of capacity building initiatives;
    • Update the MFMA website on training initiatives for the local government.

    Stakeholder Engagement:

    • Develop financial management training and course material in conjunction with tertiary institutions, municipalities, QCTO, SALGA, LGSETA and provinces;
    • Review and refine course material in compliance with MFMA reforms, Arrange workshops, seminars in refining financial management and capacity building initiatives within municipalities;
    • Develop the PFM Competency Framework in support of the Municipal Regulations on Minimum Competency Levels;
    • Professionalise the PFM at local government in conjunction with relevant stakeholders;
    • Engage service providers, public and private sector institutions and other stakeholders on capacity building and training initiatives

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    Administrative Support and Co-Ordination Officer

    Qualification/s Requirements

    • A Grade 12 is required coupled with a minimum National Diploma (equivalent to NQF level 6) or a Bachelor’s degree (equivalent to NQF level 7) in any of the following disciplines: Management or Public Management or Business Management or Political Sciences. 
    • A minimum 4 years’ experience of which 2 years should be at an Assistant Director level obtained in the management of an executive office environment.
    • Broad knowledge and understanding of the functional areas covered by the executive authority’s portfolio.
    • Working knowledge of the political and parliamentary processes in South Africa.?

    Key Performance Areas

    Manage the administrative and coordination activities:

    • Compile correspondence, submissions and cabinet memoranda as required.
    • Study, edit and comment on submissions to be submitted to the executive authority for consideration.
    • Manage the procurement and maintenance of equipment and administer the budget in the office of the executive authority.
    • Manage logistical support in the office of the executive authority.
    •  Develop, implement and maintain a filing system for the office of the executive authority.
    •  Manage the registry of the office of the executive authority. 

    Ensure that documents are classified in accordance with the MIS prescripts and are handled in accordance with their classification Liaise with internal and external role players: 

    • Brief the Chief of Staff on matters regarding the executive authority’s portfolio on the agenda of Cabinet/executive council.
    • Liaise with senior managers in the institutions within the executive authority’s portfolio.

    Co-ordinate the activities of the executive authority’s office Render a Cabinet/executive council support service:

    • Manage the distribution of memoranda to Cabinet/executive council members.
    • Manage the distribution of documents and submissions to the relevant legislature and standing/portfolio committees.

    Keep record of decisions of Cabinet/executive council and alert the Chief of Staff and executive authority of actions to be taken and due dates Supervisory Authority:

    • General supervision of the employees in the office of the executive authority.
    • Quality control of the work delivered by supervises.
    • Advise supervisees regarding all aspects of the work.
    • Serve as the formal disciplinary authority regarding supervisees.
    •  Ensure that all supervisees are trained and developed to be able to deliver work of the required standard efficiently and effectively.

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    Chief Director: Governance and Financial Analysis

    Qualification/s Requirements

    • A Grade 12 is required coupled with a minimum Bachelor’s degree (equivalent to NQF level 7) in any of the following disciplines: Accounting or Economics or Business Management;
    • Certification as a Chartered Accountant (SA) will be an added advantage;
    • A minimum 5 years’ experience at a senior managerial level (Director) obtained in a financial governance environment;
    • Knowledge and experience of financial markets and regulatory frameworks;
    • Knowledge and experience of treasury operations, corporate governance and development finance; and
    • Successful completion of the Nyukela Public Service Senior Management Leadership Programme as endorsed by the National School of Government available as an online course on , prior to finalisation of an appointment.?

    Key Performance Areas

    Enforce the PFMA, Treasury Regulation, Protocol on Corporate Governance, King II Code on Corporate Governance:

    • Initiate the amendment of PFMA and Treasury Regulations. Monitor compliance to PFMA, Treasury Regulations and Corporate Governance Codes; and
    • Manage and review treasuries of SOCs.Advise on appropriate shareholder management model for SOCs.

    Monitor financial performance of SOC’s:

    • Monitor financial analysis of SOCs i.e. performance indicators, forecasting annual financial statements, industry comparisons, benefits and risks of financial transactions;
    • Identify risk management in SOCs through analysis of corporate plans;
    • Co-ordinate with macroeconomic policy and public finance;
    • Enforce restructuring through compliance to the relevant provisions of PFMA;
    • Analyse financial impact of SOCs strategic plans; and
    • Monitor financial performance against shareholder compacts and KPIs

    Monitor Contingent Liabilities and align Compliance with Corporate Governance:

    • Monitor contingent liabilities of SOCs. Act as Secretariat of the Fiscal Liability Committee (FLC);
    • Participate in legislative processes pertaining to contingent liabilities and conduct the impact analysis on the fiscus; and
    • Set standards for the management of the register of guarantees, letters of comfort, financial commitments and borrowing limits.

    Conduct due diligence of the contingent liabilities and guarantees Monitor Financial Performance and Development impact of DFIs:

    • Develop a finance policy framework for DFIs;
    • Review mandates of individual DFIs; and
    • Initiate research and propose an appropriate development finance systems.

    Contribute to lowering borrowing requirements through accurate forecasting, gaining understanding of dividend policy and cost of equity:

    • Undertake capital structure analysis of individual SOCs;
    • Negotiate appropriate dividend payout/ capitalisation of SOCs; and
    • Coordinate SOCs borrowing programs.

    Exercise financial oversight over SOCs in terms of the decentralized management model:

    • Advise Minister of Finance on concurrence to PFMA Section 54 applications; and
    • Coordinate financial impact of SOC deliverables with policy departments and shareholder oversight departments.

    Monitor and adherence to Treasury management best practice standards:

    • Evaluate SOCs adherence to Treasury best practice standards;
    • Make recommendations to SOCs on amendment of Treasury policies and practices in alignment with set standards;
    • Monitor implementation of recommendations.

    Facilitate the Restructuring of SOCs:

    • Optimal restructuring of SOCs balance sheets;
    • Manage risks pertaining to SOCs; and
    • Formulate financial modelling and project management of SOCs.

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    Economist: Banking Development

    Qualification/s Requirements

    • A Grade 12 is required coupled with a minimum National Diploma (equivalent to NQF level 6) or a Bachelor’s degree (equivalent to NQF level 7) in any of the following disciplines: Economics or Finance or Business Economics or Bachelor of Commerce Law. 
    • A minimum 3 years’ experience obtained in policy development and structured research capacity.
    • Knowledge of the broader legislative framework governing the financial services industry.
    • Knowledge of financial sector policy framework development and dissemination of data.?

    Key Performance Areas

    Financial Sector Policy Research and Development: 

    • Conduct research to enhance and strengthen the financial sector policy and regulatory framework in respect of consumer education, consumer protection, fintech, insurance, the national payment system and retail credit.
    •  Assist with contributions to policy and regulatory development regarding improving access to financial services through specific policy interventions.
    •  Collaborate with other Directorates on cross-cutting issues and work towards a common financial sector development framework.

     Stakeholder Engagement: 

    • Liaise with relevant stakeholders on matters pertaining to legislative and regulatory processes concerning the financial sector. 
    • Provide contributions in relation to financial sector regulators and ombudsmen on matters relating to regulatory developments. 

    Multi-institutional approach financial sector development: 

    • Provide inputs into policy development / legislation in relation to consumer education, consumer protection, insurance, fintech, the national payment system and retail credit.

     Monitoring of compliance: 

    • Propose interventions based on policy formulation, including legislation.

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