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  • Posted: Jan 8, 2025
    Deadline: Not specified
  • Never pay for any CBT, test or assessment as part of any recruitment process. When in doubt, contact us

    The NMISA is a Type 3A Public Entity established in accordance with the Measurement Unit and Measurement Standards Act, No. 18 of 2006 (the Act). The NMISA is mandated by the Act to provide for the use of the international system of units (the SI) and other measurement units in South Africa, to maintain national measurement standards (NMS) and to determine a...
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    PME Officer

    Minimum Qualifications, Experience, knowledge and skills

    Minimum Qualifications:

    • A Bachelor’s degree in Public Administration / Business Administration, Social Science, and/or Public Policy (a postgraduate qualification will be an advantage).
    • Additional certifications or diplomas in Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation will be an advantage.
    • A valid driver’s license.

    Minimum Experience:

    • At least five years’ experience in ensuring proper planning, monitoring and evaluation of projects to give effect to the organisational strategy.

    Required Knowledge:

    • Understanding of the validation and verification processes.
    • Extensive knowledge and understanding of legislative requirements applicable to the NMISA, including Measurement Units and Measurement Standards Act, Corporate Governance principles, King codes, Companies Act and Regulations, PFMA, PAIA and POPIA.
    • Knowledge and application of project management.
    • Advanced knowledge and application of documentation software (Microsoft Word), including creation of templates and document styles. Working knowledge of Microsoft Excel and Presentations.


    • The purpose of the role is to ensure proper planning, monitoring and evaluation of projects to give effect to the NMISA strategy.
    • Engaging with the shareholder (the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (the dtic)) and the Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) on submission of plans, documents and reports, as well as management of the Electronic Quarterly Performance Reporting System (eQPRS).
    • Monitoring and reporting on key performance indicators and targets against the key outcomes and strategic objectives, as defined in the Strategy Plan and Annual Performance Plan.
    • Engage Senior Managers and Programme Managers to collect generated data, record, analyse and verify performance information evidence.
    • Analyse quarterly progress reports against the performance targets to inform improvements.
    • Monitor the quality of internal management practices against the requirements of the applicable regulatory frameworks.
    • Ensuring that PME policies, procedures and guidelines are available and implemented.
    • Act as a coordinator and integrator of PME information and as the champion of sound PME practices, norms and standards in the NMISA.
    • Prepare performance information and evidence for Internal and external audits. Ensure that performance outcomes pass audits without major findings and that any nonconformances raised are resolved within the given timeframes.
    • Liaise with the Programme Managers, Project Managers and Senior Managers on PME and performance reporting.
    • Advice managers on the use of periodic monitoring information to assess and review progress against their objectives and associated indicators.
    • Review and analyse monitoring reports, provide feedback on underperformance to assist managers to identify areas where improvements are required and the implementation thereof.
    • Conduct periodic and systematic evaluations to improve performance, accountability, learning, decision making and recommend ways forward.
    • Facilitate the drafting of responses to requests for information from the dtic, including questions from the Parliamentary Committee, ensuring that these are finalised and submitted by the given deadline.

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    Intern - Dosimetry Standards

    Minimum Qualifications, Knowledge and Experience: 

    • A BSc Hons in Physics or equivalent qualification; 
    • Basic understanding of radiation protection and radiation science. 
    • Basic understanding of an MS Office Software package; 
    • Mathematical and statistical knowledge; 
    • Good communication skills and report writing skills. 

    Duties and Responsibilities: 

    • Work in an accredited laboratory for the period of their training, the incumbent will comply with NMISA’s policies and procedures and perform all duties in line with the Total Quality Management System. 
    • Assist with the development and maintenance of dosimetry measurement standards; and dissemination thereof. 
    • The incumbent will assist in generating, validating, and reviewing procedures for the performance of measurements in field of dosimetry as well as maintain detailed records of equipment and measurement results generated during the course of the study. 
    • Assist in administrative duties including purchasing of laboratory consumables 
    • Initiate and follow up on the timely procurement of any equipment, instruments, consumables or other expenses required to execute the duties 
    • Assist in meeting EHS objectives by maintaining specified EHS and laboratory responsibilities 
    • Participate in metrology skills transfer by attending courses and conferences, presenting work done on given projects 

    Method of Application

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