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  • Posted: Nov 8, 2023
    Deadline: Not specified
  • Never pay for any CBT, test or assessment as part of any recruitment process. When in doubt, contact us

    Based in Somerset West, Helderberg Personnel was established in 1998. The company initially started doing placements in the Helderberg Basin and over the years expanded nationally. Our background has proved to be invaluable in providing a high standard of recruitment, screening, evaluation and placement of candidates. Our Value proposition: The true value p...
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    CEO (Technology / Engineering)

    Roles and Responsibilities:

    The CEO will be reporting directly to the Managing Director, has a wide range of roles and responsibilities, including:

    • Setting the company's strategic direction: The CEO must set the overall strategy and vision for the company, determining which markets to target, what products or services to offer, and how to differentiate the company from our competitors.
    • Building and managing a talented team: The CEO is responsible for hiring and managing a talented team of employees, including executives, engineers, developers, designers, and salespeople. This includes setting goals and expectations, providing guidance and support, and ensuring that everyone is working together effectively.
    • Managing finances and budgets: The CEO must be responsible for managing the company's finances, including setting budgets, managing cash flow, and ensuring that the company is profitable.
    • Driving growth and revenue: The CEO must focus on driving growth and revenue for the company, which includes identifying new business opportunities, developing new products or services, and finding ways to increase sales and customer satisfaction.
    • Developing partnerships and collaborations: The CEO must also develop partnerships and collaborations with other companies and organizations in order to expand the company's reach and increase revenue.
    • Representing the company: The CEO serves as the face of the company and is responsible for representing the company to the public, investors, and the media. This includes speaking at industry events, engaging with customers and stakeholders, and participating in interviews and other media opportunities.
    • Ensuring compliance with regulations: The CEO must ensure that the company is in compliance with all relevant regulations and laws, including data privacy laws, intellectual property laws, and other industry-specific regulations.

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