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  • Posted: Jan 23, 2025
    Deadline: Not specified
  • Never pay for any CBT, test or assessment as part of any recruitment process. When in doubt, contact us

    The Johannesburg Roads Agency (Pty) Ltd commenced its business on the 1st January 2001 with the City of Johannesburg being the sole shareholder. The JRA’s core competencies are the planning, design, construction, operation, control, rehabilitation, and maintenance of the roads and stormwater infrastructure in the City of Johannesburg. The main responsi...
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    ​Chief Procurement Officer (REF: 01/2025/03)


    • Modernise the state procurement system to be fair, equitable, transparent, competitive and cost-effective.
    • Enable an efficient, economic, effective and transparent utilisation of financial and other resources including JRA’s assets, to improve service delivery.
    • Ensure an open and transparent pre-qualification process for tenders and bids.
    • Implement measures that facilitate a competitive bidding process in which only qualified parties may participate.
    • Oversee the handling of bid documentation, advertise of and invitations for contracts.
    • Ensure effective screening and security clearances for prospective contractors.
    • Implement measures to combat fraud, corruption and unfair practices.
    • Review all documentation prior to attending committee meetings.
    • Ensure correctness and completes of documentation.
    • Make recommendations to the Bid Adjudication Committee (BAC).
    • Ensure that all correct processes are followed during meetings in terms of regulations e.g. transparency etc.
    • Quarterly reports to the service delivery committee on all bids awarded, together with any deviations on supply chain procedures.
    • Prepare reports on items that can be procured on the back of contracts awarded by other municipalities without going out on tender. Obtain approval from the CFO and forward the report to business unit leaders in the JRA.
    • Formulate Contract Management policies, procedures and strategies relating to best practice.
    • Verify and ensure adherence to policies and procedures, in line with regulations, such as the MFMA.
    • Ensure contracts management talks and/or discussions regarding accountability, transparency and efficiency are coordinated and addressed.
    • Guide negotiation of prices and apply expertise to avoid any legal litigation. 


    • 10 years minimum relevant experience and a proven track record of achieving success in the same field; including knowledge of CIDB Act and regulations, National Treasury procurement, BBBEE, section 217 of the Constitution and other national legislation governing public procurement practices.
    • 5 years minimum executive or senior leadership and managerial experience.
    • Experience in managing relationships with multidisciplinary internal and external stakeholders in the same field.
    • Experience with Oracle, SAP and/or other equivalent procurement systems.
    • Proven experience in managing a broad variety of spend categories and an achievement in cost reduction strategies.

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    Operations Manager: Wellness (REF: 01/2025/04)


    • Develop Wellness strategies and frameworks in line with identified priorities and strategic objectives
    • Analyze employee health and wellness data to identify wellness challenges and priorities.
    • Conduct workplace assessments to identify trends and systemic wellness challenges.
    • Develop customised wellness programmes in response to wellness priorities and specific operational challenges and requirements.
    • Establish and maintain relationships with key stakeholders to promote wellness programs and create a positive and healthy environment, promoting activities, education, and resources that encourage a balanced lifestyle.
    • Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of wellness programmes.
    • Collaborate with outside vendors to provide services such as biometric screenings and wellness coaching, etc.
    • Collaborate and partner with leadership to foster a culture of wellness that improves productivity, reduces healthcare costs and enhances quality of life, incorporated into company culture.
    • Stay updated with the latest trends and best practices in corporate wellness.
    • Develop resources to create awareness, educate and provide support re employee health and wellness.
    • Coordinate wellness events and activities.


    • Bachelor’s degree in Human Capital Management (or related discipline) or relevant NQF level 7 equivalent.
    • 10 years of experience in Occupational Wellness, inclusive of 5 years at middle and senior management level, of which 1 year must be at senior management level.

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    Manager: Employee Relations (REF: 01/2025/02)


    • To ensure effective and efficient management of ER matters, compliance with Labour Relations Act, Basic Conditions of Employment Act, Employment Equity Act and other related JRA Policies. To ensure the smooth running of the Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) by: Generating regular reports on all ER matters.
    • Managing and facilitating local labour forum (LLF).
    • Research and benchmarking through management and facilitation of local labour forums.
    • Managing grievance, disputes and disciplinary matters within JRA by ensuring that relevant people are appointed to conduct investigations.
    • Ensure appointment of the presenting officer as well as presiding officer to conduct hearings.
    • Facilitate grievance procedures and ensure that the matter is dealt with.
    • Represent the JRA at the Bargaining Council and the CCMA
    • Arrange workshops and ER training for Line Managers and Shop Stewards according to the needs that exist in JRA
    • Regular updates on policies and procedures within JRA.
    • Ensure that JRA staff is kept informed on all labour and ER matters.
    • Conduct road shows to educate and introduce new policies
    • Conceptualize and oversee initiatives that improve staff health, morale and productivity in terms of regular communication with all stakeholders and local community agencies, also implementation of a formal policy and administrative programme.
    • Oversee the implementation of wellness programmes such as roadshows in terms of: health risk assessments and screening and activity reports that tie in with the annual events calendar.
    • Oversee and provide guidance to the advisory committee that represents stakeholder interests as it relates to the identification of employee needs, interests and concerns.
    • Oversee the Wellness Plan budget by ensuring that expenditure falls within predetermined parameters by overseeing reporting on the wellness budget.


    • Bachelor’s Degree in Labour Relations/Human Resource Management or NQF equivalent.
    • 8 years’ experience in Labour Relations/Human Resources environment, inclusive of 5 years middle management experience.

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    General Workers: Region A – G Depots, Traffic Signals and Traffic Markings, Resurfacing Depot, Fleet and Plant Depot, Motorways Depot, Asphalt and Laboratory (REF: 01/2025/01)


    • Direct traffic around hazards or work taking place on the road, setting out temporary road signs, traffic cones, and barricades at work sites in line with standard operating procedures.
    • Build and/or repair concrete kerbing that forms an edge between the pavement and the roadway.
    • Work on building and/or repairing stormwater Kerb Inlets (KIs).
    • Assist the crane operator/s in pulling concrete slabs when necessary. Ensure that KIs are cleaned and unblocked when required.
    • Clear the earth channel/open channel. Clean appropriate tools.
    • Complete all other activities in the inspection sheet.
    • Respond to citizen concerns and complaints at job site.
    • Perform manual labour as instructed by standard operating procedures including but not limited to the following: dig ditches; clean and install culverts; remove debris from roadway and shoulders; repair potholes and /or cracked and broken pavement for patching.
    • Install stormwater pipes and work on building and/or repairing road manholes where necessary. Building and/or repairing speed humps.
    • Repairing potholes and footways. Working on tarred and/or gravel surfaces etc. using relevant tools and machinery. Resurfacing.
    • Deep patching and skin patching. Road marking. Crack Sealing. Trim trees, shrubs, and other plants; mow, cut, stack, and chip vegetation; haul vegetation and other debris; load and apply sand and gravel a to roads.
    • Load and move road materials; excavate dirt and other materials, dig ditches, rip asphalt, install culvert pipes, back fill trenches, cut road grade, clear brush and debris and widen roads; spread paving materials, smooth and level gravel roadways, remove slides and contour roadways; spread rock chips for roadbed; road sealing.


    • Grade 10 or NQF equivalent.
    • Six (6) months’ experience in handling road construction maintenance and/or building machinery or equipment

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