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  • Posted: Jan 21, 2025
    Deadline: Not specified
  • Never pay for any CBT, test or assessment as part of any recruitment process. When in doubt, contact us

    The vision of the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Public Works is an inclusive economy through sustainable infrastructure development and property management. Its mission is to improve the lives of the people of KwaZulu-Natal through sustainable infrastructure development and property management.

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    Regional Director: North Coast Region REF NO: RD/NCR/012025


    • Grade 12 plus a Bachelor’s Degree or Advanced Diploma equivalent to NQF Level 7 in Developmental Studies / Public Management/Administration /Community Development/Built Environment plus a minimum of five (5) years relevant middle/ senior managerial experience. Computer literacy in the office software packages.
    • A valid driver’s licence. The recommended candidate will also be required to produce a SMS Pre-entry (Nyukela) certificate prior to appointment.

    DUTIES :

    • Manage and facilitate the implementation of infrastructure programmes, expanded public works programme, construction safety and immovable asset management services.
    • Manage district services. Manage construction project management services.
    • Manage the provision of professional services. Ensure the development and implementation of policies.
    • Manage the resources of the Region.

    Skills, Knowledge& Competencies:

    • Knowledge of relevant prescripts Strategic capacity and leadership.
    • Programme and Project Management. People management, client orientation and customer focus. 

    go to method of application »

    Regional Director: Southern Region REF NO: RD/SR/02/01/2025


    • Grade 12 plus a Bachelor’s Degree or Advanced Diploma equivalent to NQF Level 7 in Developmental Studies / Public Management/Administration /Community Development/Built Environment plus a minimum of five (5) years relevant middle/ senior managerial experience. Computer literacy in the office software packages.
    • A valid driver’s licence. The recommended candidate will also be required to produce a SMS Pre-entry (Nyukela) certificate prior to appointment.

    DUTIES :

    • Manage and facilitate the implementation of infrastructure programmes, expanded public works programme, construction safety and immovable asset management services.
    • Manage district services. Manage construction project management services.
    • Manage the provision of professional services. Ensure the development and implementation of policies.
    • Manage the resources of the Region.

    Skills, Knowledge& Competencies:

    • Knowledge of relevant prescripts Strategic capacity and leadership.
    • Programme and Project Management. People management, client orientation and customer focus. 

    Method of Application


    • The Provincial Administration of KwaZulu-Natal is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and Women and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply. 
    • Applicants with disabilities may qualify for relaxed advertisement appointment requirements in terms of driver’s licence, computer literacy, experience and /or any other required competences, provided such is not an inherent requirement of the post and subject to proof of disability being submitted with the application.
    • Applications must be submitted individually on the prescribed new approved Z83 form, and must be accompanied by a comprehensive Curriculum Vitae (CV).
    • Certified copies of supporting documents need not to accompany your application and CV, as these will be requested from shortlisted candidates only. 
    • Faxed or electronic copies will not be considered. 
    • Candidates are urged to view the guidelines available to all prospective candidates applying for vacant position on the departmental website before completing applications for posts. 
    • Applicants are encouraged to apply for posts through the online e-Recruitment system at 
    • Alternatively applicants can submit their Z83 and CV online and directly to the email addresses indicated below in respect of the different centres where the posts exist or direct your application quoting the reference number of the post you are applying for;
    • Applicants may also visit any one of our Designated Online Application Centres (DOACS) where our friendly staff will assist you with applying online or receiving your hardcopy application. You can find the list of Designated Online Application Centres (DOACS) at” 
    • Candidates are also advised not to send their applications through registered mail, as the Department will not take responsibility for non-collection thereof. 
    • It is the applicants’ responsibility to have foreign qualifications assessment for equivalent by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA). 
    • Applications that do not comply with the above-mentioned instructions will be disqualified. Please note that the Department reserves the right not to fill the post. Recommended candidate’s personal information will be subject to vetting prior to an offer of appointment being made. 
    • Candidates are expected to be available on the date set for the interviews or they may be disqualified. Should you not have been contacted by this office within 3 months of the closing date of the advertisement, kindly consider your application being unsuccessful. 
    • Please note that further communication shall be restricted to those candidates who will have been shortlisted. The appointed candidate shall be required to sign a performance agreement. 
    • Please note that reference checks and/or confirmation of employment will be done with the current employer and candidates are advised to include references from the current employment to facilitate this. 
    • The filling of this post will be guided by the Department’s Employment Equity targets. 
    • Please note that requests for higher salaries will not be entertained for the advertised posts, however it may only be considered for posts falling within the Occupational Specific Dispensation (OSD) subject to the existing provisions. Candidates applying for advertised posts in the Department, will be deemed to have granted consent to their personal information being used to determine suitability in terms of the POPIA Act, 4 of 2013.


    • Direct your application quoting the reference number of the post you are applying for and the name of the publication in which you saw the advertisement to The Director: Human Resource Management Department of Public Works, Private Bag X9142, Pietermaritzburg, 3200. Alternatively, applications can be delivered to 191 Prince Alfred Street, Pietermaritzburg or online via [email protected]
    Interested and qualified? Go to Kwazulu Natal Department Of Public Works on to apply

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